.264 x 1.250 jackets, pkg/250
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Catalog No.: J-26-125
Price: $72.00
Shipping Weight: 1.20 pounds
104 available for immediate delivery
This is a 6.5mm (.264) caliber, 1.25 inch long jacket with a tapered jacket wall, starting at .019 inches near the mouth and .025 inches near the base. A lead core of 0.211 inch diameter fits to the base of the jacket. Lead wire of .185 inches can be used in a .210 core swage for this jacket.
The jacket wall accepts a .224 diameter punch within the .2 inches of the mouth. Then the main body ID is closer to .212 inches to about 0.250 from the base. At that point the ID becomes slightly smaller to about .211 inches. The slight taper over the 1.25 inch length allows for expansion control, but also allows a couple of diameters of core seat punches to seal pressure for core seating from very heavy to very light core weights. The average jacket weight is 14.4 grains. The jackets can be used to make up to around 160 grain bullets but the maximum weight depends on the ogive shape, base shape, and style of tip. Rounder noses and shorter ogives allow more weight for the same length. Flat bases allow for more weight than RBT bases although the difference is not great. Lead tips of coruse can be made heavier than open tips, and either open tip hollow point or lead tip hollow point nose styles are lighter for the same length as if they did NOT have the hollow point.
The jacket can also be drawn with a JRD-1 jacket reducing die to make longer .243 (6 mm) jackets, or .257 caliber jackets.